Database Control Pro Documentation
Version 1.0.0 onwards

Time Diff Command

The TimeDiff Command calculates the difference between two times which can be returned in a variety of different lengths of time. Each time consists of 7 floats: Milliseconds, Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Months and Years. Each float can be a set number or can be parsed from a variable value. The Default Variables can be used to get the current time or you can use the toggle for Time One.

Note: Month is zero-based, this means January is represented by 0 and December by 11 (not 12).

The Command name can be anything you like, it makes no difference when the sequence is run and is purely for organisation purposes.

The 'Command Type:' line reminds you of the Command Type as you might choose not to put it in the Command's name.

The remaining properties are specific to this Command Type.


Return Time In - The length of time to return the time in. For example if 'Minutes' is selected an interger for the number of minutes will be returned.

Round Result - If checked, the result will be rounded to the nearest interger.

Return Variable Name - The name of the variable which the calculated value should be stored with.

Allow Negative Diffs? - The calculation does 'Time One - Time Two'. If checked and time two is after time one the result will be negative.

Time One Use Current? - If checked time one will be set to the current time, if not you can set all of the floats yourself. Time One/Two lengths:

Every length of time is a float which can be set or parsed from a variable value. If you don't want to include a certain length of time (e.g. don't need milliseconds) then just set the float for that length of time to 0 in both times.